Waggoners Grove Baptist Church
535 Waggoners Grove BC Road/PO Box 98 Colbert, GA 30628
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Pastoral Vacancy Announcement
The Waggoners Grove Baptist Church of Colbert, Georgia is prayerfully and actively seeking and searching for our next Pastor; an ordained and licensed Baptist Minister called by God. (1 Timothy 3:1-7)
The Pastor, the church's spiritual leader, is responsible for planting and watering the seed so that God may give the increase and therefore must be committed to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, teaching the biblical revelation, engaging in pastoral care, and providing administrative leadership in all areas of the church functions and life.
The following are some of the qualifications we are seeking for the next pastor:
1. Personal statement: ‘Why are you interested in the pastoral ship at WGBC?’
2. Copy of ministerial licenses and ordination certificates from the Baptist faith.
3. Official copy of degree in an appropriate discipline. (Seminary, master’s preferred)
4. A minimum of three consecutive years of pastoral experience as a senior pastor.
5. Three (3) Letters of Reference: Personal, Professional, and Clergy. (No Relatives)
6. USB/CD or Sermon links of two (2) Sermons preached within the past 6 months.
7. Exceptional written and oral communication skills.
8. Completed Candidate Checklist! (Incomplete information may result in disqualification)
Additional information about specific duties will be discussed during an interview if selected. All final candidates must submit to a confidential background check.
***Please submit the initial package by certified mail to:
Waggoners Grove Baptist Church
C/O Pastoral Search Committee
PO Box 98 Colbert, Ga. 30628