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Greetings My Brothers and Sisters,

As President of the General Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia, Inc., I am extremely pleased to greet you as we gather in the historic city of Columbus for the 146th Annual Session.

We are grateful for the leadership of the Fourth District and the pastors an churches of the surrounding areas for their untiring dedication and endless hours of work in an effort to make our visit a pleasant, profitable and productive one.

As we come together let us be of one mind united in thought and purpose, “Solidarity with the Savior through Mission and Evangelism.” As you meet and greet your hosts, please stop and say thank you to them for having gone far and beyond the call of duty to provide a hospitable setting in which to do our work.

May God bless each of us with safe passage to Columbus GA for our Annual Session November 14 - 17, 2016.

Yours in His Name,
Kenneth B. Martin, DD